CDH Vergas Fire & Rescue

The CDH-Vergas Fire Association was formed in 1905. The Fire Association is owned by the Townships of Candor, Dora and Hobart and the City of Vergas.
The CDH-Vergas Fire & Rescue is a volunteer department consisting of dedicated men and women from the surrounding area. It is headquartered in Vergas, MN.
Voting & Elections

One of the responsibilities of the township is to manage and oversee elections. Elections are held at Vergas Event Center, 140 W Linden St, Vergas, MN 56587. Districts within Dora Township include:
Congressional: 7 | MN Senate: 9 | MN House: 9B
County: Otter Tail County - Dist 2 | OTC County Commissioner is Wayne Johnson
Schools: Pelican Rapids (548) | Perham School District (549)
March 11, 2025: Township Election and Annual Meeting. Open positions include 1 Supervisor and 1 Treasurer. Election is from 5-8 PM with Annual Meeting following at 8:05 PM. The election and meeting will be held at the CDH-Vergas Fire Hall meeting room at 120 Linden Street, Vergas, MN 56587.
Perham to Pelican Trail

Route Description: The Perham to Pelican Rapids Regional Trail route will run east/west from Pelican Rapids to Perham, connecting to Maplewood State Park on the park’s east and north boundaries. A segment of this trail is planned to go through Dora Township.
The Perham to Pelican Rapids Regional Trail will fill a gap in the state and regional trail system in west central Minnesota. The regional trail will be open to the general public.
It is intended for use by walkers, joggers, hikers, bicyclists, dog walkers, in-line skating, and other uses. The Perham to Pelican Rapids Regional Trail will be developed as a 10-foot-wide paved surface separated from roadways. For more Information, refer to the OTC website: Perham to Pelican Rapids Trail
Snowmobile Trails

For information about snowmobile trails in Dora Township, Otter Tail County, see MN DNR:
Link: https://www.dnr.state.mn.us/snowmobiling/interactive_map/index.html
Informational Links
Link to City of Vergas Website: cityofvergas.com
Link to Otter Tail County Website: ottertailcountymn.us
Link to State of MN - MN.Gov: mn.gov/portal
Link to State of MN - Elections & Voting: sos.state.mn.us/elections-voting